
army crawl

Army situation (like that wii game?). Husband got too far ahead and I saw him get taken by an enemy man and woman solider. I followed to a small shed where they were going to torture him. I hacked into the bad guy’s cell phone through Bluetooth and ordered him to report to his superior for a meeting, with the girl. I snuck into the shed after them and freed my husband, but he had no clothes on.


bowling for family feud?

Bowling ally with family

Lanes dropped (sloped down) half-way through the lane

Sister had a headache and complained the whole time

Husband “yelled” at me because there were chopsticks on the lane

Mom “prayed” for me out loud – humiliating and untrue things… “Lord, help her to get over being a baby and realizing it by being called down with a bunny cup. Help her to control her extreme anger towards her husband and to get over her excessive selfishness…” ECT!